Lot of informing and teaching reels / fotos more concerning O.F.D and sciences / arts / diplomacy / politics as well at www.instagram.com/o.f.d and possiblility to connect. Longer Videos teaching are also on www.facebook.com/OliverFrederic.Dieck etc new : www.tiktok.com/ofd_@oliverfredericdieck In addition I made a Tumblr profile called Importance at https://tumblr.com/oliverfredericdieck . Youtube chanels are relaunched but not updated till now.As gift for you I relaunched www.helpful-contacts.net my startup help profile and network.Now its open and for free .But there will be a payed part in addition too etc.Due to situation I present your UN anthem proposal as piano score with text and as mp3 at the bottom of this site now.Soon all partitions or scores to buy .Sincerly Oliver looking for a beautiful adequate wife in desire…..

First 2024 Soundcloud link : O.F.D-OliverFredericDieck ·please link ,like ,join and follow also at www.instagram.com/O.F.D,Soundcloud ,Facebook : www.facebook.com/oliverfrederic.dieck ! At Insta O.F.D and Facebook you got a lot more information concerning Oliver Frederic Dieck and other activities.Music is here.Scrolling down you’l find at first the Soundcloud selection overview.Then classical writings like Symphonies then Rock Pop Jazz.And finally there are some new fotographs showing me and other projects of mine giving you a hint. Easy to use like me….Im looking for a beautiful loveing wife with normal wishes and needs ,otherwise I’l get crazy straving out like vatikan people.This is hell.
Thosedays you will find here in soundcloud window or link a sophisticated overview :
1.5.Symphony Galaxy first movement final version 2024 in full formal Beethoven quality but as pre release.You know Sir Simon Rattle conductor at Munich was rather against Brexit.We met first at Salzburg Music Festival in about 2009.He chief of Berlin Philharmonics in that time had a quite british new program.I was critiziseing this.Nevertheless he took firtst version on CD of my 5th with first opera ball music Goldener Walzertraum in 10 movements saying its about Haydn.This isi a compliment from Britain.Actually Haydn was a good autodidactical teacher for more talented Mozart and Beethoven . They like him…Actually it was realy hard work to reach level of Beethoven especially in first movement.His main theme is hard to beat…Now it works more or less.My 5. in equivalent construction and level.I was posting this to stress that Im for 100 % a new Beethoven and some things more.Therefore I have to die out being completelly somebody else my opposite cause some feelings are violated on that.Im rather tender simply straight needing and deserving a beautuiful woman and not something comeing out of hell..Human rights? lawstate.I am me and you are you my proposal.Your genius of the century. Simon we met recently in Hercules hall at Munich and we are connected by Instagram….Im not FRED ! My name is Oliver Frederic Dieck.Oliver is my first name.oli if you want but not Fred Feuerstein…Im the oposite.You called me Fred.See ya.
2. 8 Symphony Enightment first movement final version 2024 in full formal Beethoven quality but as pre release.There is no equivalent.Its Beethoven with best Richard Wagner or Richard Strauss Modulation and Orchestra technique composed during Corona Period.oli. :
- 3.6.Symphony Loire first movement final version 2024 in full formal Beethoven quality but as pre release.Its actually absolutelly equivalent to masterpiece Unvollendete by Schubert.oli
4.Lakritz – Piano love balad ( ad hoc for the woman who badly needs Lakritz its made of Süssholz.I like it. Its good for whole body…)
5. Peace is a win of culture – classical ( O.F.D Un Anthem proposal in ad hoc sung version )
6.International – Jazz ,4. Moonshine – Jazz ( from Sunset Jazz album ) ,
7. Love me till the dawn – Brit Pop ( from Golden Age album ) ,
8. Die Schauer in der Nacht – Deutsch Pop ,
9.So völlig angepasst – Deutsch Pop ( from Europe double album ) ,
10.Its a groovy kind of Nature – Rock ,
11. Workingclass poverty – Rock ( from album Strange rock songs )
12.Isar 7.Symphony 1.movement 1. version ( tonal Symphnony ) ,
13. Eclipse 3.symphony 1.movement (3.tonal Symphony) ,
14.Roof of the world – Synthesizer cinema instrumental ( from album The World ),
15.Show me the way to make you happy – Balad R&B ,
16.Bijoux – Balad R&B ( from album Black enough ) ,
17.Metro -Trance EDM –
18.Guernica-Trance EDM –
19.Mayas -Trance EDM – ,
20.Upper World -Trance EDM – ,
21.Camel Caravan -Trance EDM – ( from Future world album )
22.Andrea ( born Schmidt ) Still alive – Spanish Guitar Instrumental ,
23.You know Im a winner – Rock ,
24.Diamonds are your eyes – Rock Pop ,
25.We dont need war – Rock ( from Strange Rock Songs album)
Now My United Nations Anthem ( proposal 2008 Un / Unesco ) is online in a sung version in hurry faceing a tooth operation.Youl find it in the Soundcloud window with text for singing or scrolling down as mp3 here. Lets sing together :.General 60 years anniversary update finished apart from fine details at 15.January 2024 ! After shutdown of my Youtube channel in 2018 without any reason protection of my copyright was main topic.Now its reopened.They said my 2 Symphony Venus 2.movement, my first answer to Thannhäuser ouverture of Richard Wagner was a porn ?!? It will take some time to update this.I will think about it.Here s to you my 60 years anniversary being obviously ibiologically like 40 my much louder global remixed update but without new productions of evrything and most new works of market professional production mixed and mastermixed line.Wait for official much enlarged well produced releases .Im playing evrything bymyself thosedays I am the crew. Meanwhile rock pop singing is realy ok,or new recordings.Daceing trained with wife at my side then.With body of a goodlooking 40 years man Im looking for a beautiful intelligent wife and not for terrorists founding my family in love..Politically modest green social democrat SPD I signed the petition of Friday for Future via Luisas Neubauer to check if we can forbit the Nazi right wing simpleton party AFD.My name is O.F.D – Oliver Frederic Dieck .Im born with that.I hope that this is strenghten your ability to believe in me. My extreme biology gives the opportunity to me to find my luck inspite of terror experience steeling my life in my life cause I have 20 years more obviously.On the bottom of this site you’l find new photographs showing me and some other projects of mine. Im not genius of the century in all subjects .But in some.Now you can read at Info.pdf onsite as pdf my new OFD pressinformation.Now there is a large part with biography till now in sharp separation to the rest cause it was neccessary after several assaults and my resulting anger.Transperency also concerning my other projects. Its a lot.Please dont fool me Im honest too and in evryday life quite easy.Oli ( O.F.D)
1 .Symphony Genie
2.Symphony Venus
3.Symphony Eclipse,
4.Symphony Rhein
5.Symphony Galaxie
6.Symphony Loire 1 version
7.Symphony Isar 1.version
8.Symphony ( not available yet )
1.Violin concerto Elegance
1.Piano concerto Strasbourg
1.Church Organ concerto Vita
Goldener Walzer Traum – 10 symphonic walzes
Seepferdchen – 10 art songs for voice and piano
30 Early Piano Pieces Jeunesse ( Age 11 – 50 ) good enough for Murahy Perahia (fake contact recently )
1.Opera Veritas with 30 arias ( one man demo )
Peace is a win of culture UN / Unesco Anthem proposal demo
1.Ecomenical Oratory Deus Genitor Mundi in 7 movements
2.Ecomenical oratory in 7 movements ( not available yet )
Eden Streichquartette string quartetts ( Nympheas ,Schwertlilien,Strelizien,Calla ) 28 mouvements :
1.Nympheas String Quartett in 7 movements
2.Schwertlilien String Quartett in 7 movements
3.Strelizien String Quartett in 7 movements
4.Calla String Quartett in 7 movements
En famille – 20 children and christmas songs as classical string quartett setting
Rock, Pop ,Trance ,Musical Soundtrack ,Jazz works ( early versions, older works )
Golden Age CD ( Brit / US Rock Pop Style )
Strange Rock Songs CD ( Mainstream Rock Style )
Future World CD ( Trance Dance Techno )
Europe CD ( Euro Pop / Schlager )
The World CD ( The Earth in 20 music images without Un Anthem proposal)
1.Jazz Concerto Sunset with 16 movements
2.Jazz concerto with 16 movements ( not available yet )
Black enough CD with 30 movements ( Us style R&B Soul Pop,Hiphop Dance )
Musical Silhouettes in 20 songs ( not available yet )
Oliver Frederic Dieck ( O.F.D ) short Oli photographs like incredible bio realy is thosedays with 60 years in 2024 .

O.F.D 2024

O.F.D 2024

#musik #eu #nachrichten #feuilleton #news #oliverfredericdieck #ofd #music #musik #charts #hits #ofd #oliverfredericdieck #un #unesco #Unanthem #germany #deutschland #europe #esc #nachrichten #news #culture #musiccomposer #komponist #producer #produzent #münchen #Augsburg #sinfonien #symphonies #jazz #rock #pop #opera #klassik #classical #konzerte #concerti #streichquartette #strinquartetts #love #peace #contemporaryclassic #classic #tonalemusik #tonalmusic #dance #Musikkopmponist