.:: O.F.D at Myspace .:: O.F.D personal at Facebook .:: O.F.D at Youtube

Ready or almost ready O.F.D works / best of O.F.D selections : Hear it to get a realistical impression online !

a) Entertainment playlists / Cds :

- Strange Rock Songs - album / 20 rock songs
- Europe - album 20 Europop songs
- Golden Age - album / 20 Britpop songs
- Black Enough -album / 30 US hiphop Rap R&B Soul songs
- Future World - album / 14 idle techno rave songs
- Siluettes - musical album / 30 songs - not ready and online thosedays
- The World - the world in 20 soundtrack / ethno hit images with Un anthem proposal
- Sunset - 1.Jazzconcerto album / 20 works final.

b) Serious Tonal Playlists / CDs :

Tonal Traditional Symphonies

- 1.Symphony - Genius / Genie
- 2.Symphony - Venus
- 3.Symphony - Eclipse
- 4.Symphony - Rhein / Rhine
- 5.Symphony - Galaxy / Galaxie
- 6.Symphony - Loire ( soon final version )
- 7.Symphony - Isar

Tonal Concerti

- 1.Piano concerto Strasbourg ( romantical )
- 1.Violin concerto Elegance
- 1.organ concerto Vita ( baroque )

Tonal Sung Works

- 1.Oratory - Deus genitor mundi ( baroque )/ 7 movements
- 1.Opera - Veritas / 30 airs ( classical )
- 1.Serious arts songs work - Seepferdchen / 10 movements

EDEN - String serenades - 28 movements

- 1.string quartett Nympheas / 7 movements
- 2.string quartett Schwertlilien / 7 movements
- 3.string quartett Strelizien / 7 movements
- 4.string quartett Calla / 7 movements

Tonal other Works

- Jeunesse - 25 early classical piano pieces
- Goldener Walzertraum / Golden Walz Dream - 10 symphonic walzes
- En famille - Holy Night and Children songs in classical string quartett setting

You'l find all that at www.o-f-d.de or here onsite as virtual CDS.

RESTART NEW TONAL CLASSIC - I can teach it to you if you have talent enough !

Autodidactically starting to compose throughout almost all styles teached bymyself in an age of 5 ,my own importance out of my own studeing and researching is as much as for more than 100 - 200 years never seen,cause Richard Strauss is to less to compare.Its will and hard work,but the ability for this is hereditarry genius purely like www.bach de.Therefore it makes no sense to do assaults on people like me to die out this for other historical hate reasons and this is precisely a big part of most important worthes and results of mankind forever on earth.Art for arts dedicated to quality ,not ideology or religion truth : Rules of Olympic games in sciences and arts and existing national and international law also for ! Let's restart tonal classic tradition as NEW TONAL CLASSIC.You dont know this probably but its also base of pop,rock,soul,dance,techno trance,funk,jazz and amost evrything else you hear.This is the reason why I compose all that too.Different in this way is experimental 12 tone music like jews proposed for example by Schoenberg and Alban Berg.Experminent is not bad.But for political resons arguments like "enartet" in history concerning experimental music is only thing allowed in Germany and middle Europe more or less officially even if hardly one can bear ist or enjoy this if music doesnt respect biological and physical experience of last 2000 years as principle.Its a music killing excuse most times only.It makes no ense to kill one of the most important results of mankind : Music. Yours sincerly O.F.D 2017 - www.o-f-d.de

O.F.D in general :

O.F.D - Oliver Frederic Dieck is born under this name 10 January 1964 Munich,Germany,100 years after Richard Strauss. 180 cm hight,64 kg ,slim ,looking 15-20 years younger caused by naturally fitness,dark blond,olive grenn eyed,hetero,lutheran scientiffical thinker politically SPD / Democrats Germany.At first immitateing much older brother composing since 1969 about starting in an age of 5 with first remarkable results in an age of 11 1975 Dieck was learning autodidactically like great teacher Haydn how to compose beginnig with pop,rock,soul,musical.Followed by Jazz and finally tonal classic on level of first gard in music history.After a lot of political torpedos an exclusive special a-level baccalaureat abitur 1987 more or less as single one successful in Bavaria 1987 ( other one was a female with a lot lot of better conditions swearing that she will not use this for studies cause then it will be tested by ministery of culture in Bavaria each time ) based on a quite high IQ ( Hawik officially tested last in 2000 )Apart from a lot of scientiffical and arts hobby interests like painting design poetry and physics official studies : Oeconomics ( LMU Munich ),Science economiques / gestion inclusivelly guest at Ensett ( Strasbourg ULP ),Law inofficially short Munich LMU then officially Augsburg ),Applications Programmer / IHK Bavaria 2003.2006 founding of O.F.D internet programming ( programmierung )www.o-f-d.com doing also technical part of Music Arts and Scientiffical sites of Oliver Frederic Dieck in the net.


On the Foreign Midi Site I offer historical midi files of a big part of music history.If you download this this will play with computer instruments sounds drpending of your system quite standardized.If you hear G-Minor symphony with those technical means instead of Vienna Philharmonics / Berlin Philharmonics then you can maybee imagine what is the importance of my works most times played by immitateing Synthesizers or sample using computer instruments only,completelly bymyself.The average public cititzen can evaluate the music quality properly only if its presented made under top conditions with real orchestra,good performers good conductors and good acoustics. I thank those guys linked on the bootom of Midi download page,who played those historical midis in for free.You are linked !


All scientiffic or popular scientiffic works and music composeings ,text ,writeings,presented as pdf or html or sound etc are originally by Oliver Frederic Dieck and protected for himself in all html,pdf,video,wav and mp3 files.If rights of others are touched rather seldom then its noticed.This amount and that quality is not any kind of manipulation or trick.Complete copyright comes to existance by composing itself without any further law act in difference to engeneering.In additon its prooved by Notar and other international officials for easy security.§1 Urhg ff Germany - worldwide harmonized in 1987


This fine work is for concert halls ,studios and stages,festivals,top performer singer,bands and real solists, orchestras and top labels top recording on CD and a worldwide audience.Oliver needs prime music labels,top music recording studios,producers,music publishers,music managers,sponsors and Mezenati,quality soloists arists bands and orchestras.Big names who can help giving an adequate fair chance by their honorable recommendation : Somebody like You !


You are asy going if you are good honest,construcive and friendly : Please write to O-F-D@email.de ,give me a call / SMS Call +049 / (0)170 / 4746780 Phonebox or use Facebook as new friend : www.facebook.com/OliverFrederic.Dieck .Yours sincerly O.F.D - Oliver Frederic Dieck / South Germany / Europe