Oliver Frederic Dieck ( O.F.D )
Josef Prillerstr 21
86159 Augsburg - Germany - Europe

( best contact way )

Text and music / performance / reording by Oliver Frederic Dieck ( O.F.D ) if not marked differently - Germany

All copyrights protected and owned by OI.F.D - Oliver Frederic Dieck who is responsible. Oliver Frederic Dieck is a in Munich born german top music composer ,painter with some studies and a lot of scientiffic interests.As bread and butter job he founded O.F.D internet programmierung ( programming ) with application programmer IHK Bavaria 2003 successfully in 2006.www.o-f-d.com
He did this project and others like www.diemusikkritik.de witch are useful for musicians copyrighted own content inclusively

O.F.D - Oliver Frederic Dieck in personal video 2018 in German after assault / youtube :

Keywords : #humanrights #emrk #eu #unesco #gg #esc #spd #tv #news #nachrichten #music

O.F.D - Oliver Frederic Dieck : Data and prooves / Personality and O.F.D Projects ( 2018 ) with 7.Symphony Isar 1 movement 2015 as music . Wait :

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